Thursday, 23 February 2012

Spitfire shoot

On Monday I was fortunate enough to do a shoot at the Imperial War Museum Duxford with a pair of spitfires. A Triumph Spitfire sportscar and a Supermarine Spitfire fighter plane (well alright it was a trainer version which had been in service with the Irish Air Force until 1965 apparently). This was for feature's in three of the client's classic motoring magazines to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the car, being named as it was after the plane.

The client had paid a lot of money to have the use of the aircraft for a relatively short time and so my main concern was to get everything we needed shot by 1pm at which time the plane was to be put away. Having barely finished the shoot by then you can imagine my delight at being given the opportunity to have a sit in the plane before it was towed back into the hanger. Actually looking at the photograph of me you don't really have to imagine as it's written all over my face.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Worth the effort

After a tricky drive on the icy fen roads and trudging through the snow to the hide I was rewarded by a good turn out of birds, the highlight of which was this Great Spotted Woodpecker.

The snow duly arrived.

As the light was so good I decided to go to my local nature reserve to shoot the wildlife. Probably shouldn't have gone across the fens though; snow over ice with dykes on both sides!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Snow stops play

Although I have jobs waiting to be done, the snow and sub zero temperatures have so far stopped me from arranging them. I've convinced myself that it would be a hardy owner who will hang about in this cold while I shoot his classic vehicle, even assuming he'd be prepared to take it out on the salty, gritted roads. I'm shooting pictures now for spring issues of magazines which means avoiding having snow in the shots and with more snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow it could be some time yet before those shoots get done.

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