Sunday, 19 July 2015

Great day out at Dirt Quake 4

Guy Martin and Charlie Boorman were there.

Guy Martin won every race he was in, heats and finals alike.

Although a slightly mad French man on a Yamaha R1 won the 'Inappropriate Road Bike' class.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

New website

My new and currently still under construction website can be seen at the following address:

Eventually when it is finished it will probably move to the domain name currently used here of and the blog will move to the sub domain of all being well. In the mean time however I have put a link to the new site at the top of this page, so when this posting has moved out of site down the page the new website will still only be a click away.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Yes, that is a Skunk!

Rhys with a baby Skunk at the Defence Animal Centre open day, Melton Mowbray on 6th June.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Whatever happened to global warming?

Eighteen and a half years of no warming, so just how long does this have to go on before it becomes statistically significant?

Wildlife Portfolio on Instagram

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