Friday, 21 October 2011

Business and pleasure

Sometimes on shoots, I am able to combine work and personal photography, business and pleasure you might say, as happened earlier this year on a couple of occassions. First whilst out on a car shoot for Classic Car Buyer my eagle eyed colleague spotted a snake at the side of the road as we were driving past. After a hurried u-turn we returned to the spot, unable to see anything at first until the snake, a grass snake it turned out suddenly made a run for it, so to speak and began slithering up a vertical stone wall using the gaps between the stones to slide along (see pic), needless to say despite it's herculean efforts it eventually fell off back into the grass, but it was a very impressive attempt while it lasted.

Later in the year on another shoot for Classic Car Buyer, a Red Kite drifted almost directly overhead whilst I was standing at the side of the road doing action shots of a Sunbeam Alpine. Although a relatively common sight nowadays, it still presented a magnificent spectacle and was one of the best opportunities I've had to get a shot of a Red Kite, it was just a shame that I only had an 80-200mm lens fitted at the time.

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