Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Losing my mind!

Having forgotten my tripod whilst in Nottingham on a shoot for Model Rail last week, today I went back via Melton Mowbray to retrieve it. As my mother lives in Melton I called in to see her and while I was there I went into the  garden shed briefly. Anyway having got home I went to unlock the garage and pulled out my keys only to find that they weren't my keys, they were my mothers keys for her shed, garage and gate. So now I have to go back to Melton shortly to return her keys. This could go on and on!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Natasha Baker

I did a shoot for 'Your Horse' yesterday with Natasha Baker the Para-Dressage rider and I have to say what a lovely person she is, I've seldom worked with someone for whom nothing was too much trouble, I'd love to put a picture or two up on the blog but as they won't be out in 'Your Horse' for a few weeks yet I'd probably better not! So for now here is a link to Natasha's website, from where there is a link to her blog which, it has to be said is even more out of date than mine, probably gets a lot more views though! Anyway, best of luck Natasha getting into the Paralympic team for the games this summer.


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