Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Empress Dragoon Trumpeter

Ok, this is the repainted figure, after being rescued from an overdose of black ink wash, the base still needs doing but otherwise I'm reasonably happy with it, considering it's the first painting I've done in at least 25 years and the paints were just some old acrylics and then there's my eyesight, anyway enough excuses, I'll try and do better next time.

In the meantime I've been sorting through the collection of figures and have decided to put some on eBay, mostly one's which were either my father's rather than mine or that aren't my main area of interest, which is to say primarily the Napoleonic Wars. The idea being to raise enough money to get some more modern acrylic paints such as Vallejo and possibly even to get some new figures, it would be nice to start one from scratch again.

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